Sessions & Workshops

Event: Start:
Wednesday, 07 October 2015 09:30
Wednesday, 07 October 2015 13:30
639 Enterprise Centre
639 High Rd, Tottenham

Crowdfunding is a growing phenomenon and is being used as an additional source of funding by many organisations. You will benefit from this training by:

- understanding the fundamentals of Crowdfunding

- appreciating how to use Crowdfunding as part of a charity’s funding strategy

- understanding the tactics and strategies to ensure the success of a Crowdfunding campaign

- knowing how to avoid the pitfalls

- gaining knowledge of how Crowdfunding can be used as a tool for increasing and improving stakeholder engagement

* Only 1 booking per organisation is permitted

Metadata (will be hidden)

EventID = 18153011145
OrganizerID = 2944801317
VenueID = 5752131